The Delta Academy was created to enrich the lives of our young females ages 11-14 as they navigate the world. Our programming provides educational opportunities and life skills to combat the stigma of academic failure and low self-esteem all the while providing mentoring and insight into new career avenues.
The Delta Academy is designed for:
- Young women ages 11 – 14.
- Young women who have potential need guidance, support, and skills to succeed.
- Young women who are interested in cultivation service learning.
- Young women who are looking toward the future with career and collegiate aspirations.
- Young women who need encouragement and support in pursuit of higher learning.
- Young women who are interested in developing their leadership skills.
- Young women who are interested in community action and social change.
- Young women who have an interest in non-traditional careers including those in math, science, engineering, and technology.
Our program implementation includes monthly meetings, workshops, service projects, social events, and cultural activities.
Delta Academy Application Link
Delta Academy Risk Management Form
Open House Flyer 2023-2024